A Few Tips for Buying Classic Car Parts and Saving Money

Posted on: 24 January 2017


If you are about to start restoring a classic car, be prepared to spend a lot of time looking for any parts you need. Before you start, you need to decide what type of parts you want. You may be okay with remanufactured parts, or it could be that you only want original equipment. Your decision might be based on cost or time. Either way, understand that finding parts is not going to be easy. You might want to consider a combination of any parts that you can find. When you start searching, consider the following.

Classic Car Groups

There are classic car enthusiasts everywhere. It would be a good idea to join a group or two. These people are usually more than willing to share any expertise they have in restoration and for finding parts. There may even be some who have a few parts they are not using that you can buy. They will also have contact information for reputable sellers and be able to steer you away from the not so reputable ones.

Not Perfect Parts

Keep in mind that these parts may have been sitting on a shelf or in someone's garage for years. They may be rusty or dirty. However, you may find a part that works perfectly once you get it cleaned up. It is also possible to find parts that may not be in working condition now, but with some work they will be fine. Since you are restoring the rest of the car, be willing to restore individual parts you find too. This may save you a lot of money and give you more satisfaction when the job is done because you did so much of the work yourself. However, do not be afraid to send a part out to a professional if needed.

Have Parts Made

If all else fails, you may be able to have a metal worker make a part for you. You will need to know the exact dimensions and look of the part you want made to have it fit and look the way it should. While you may feel this is "cheating," when you have looked for a part for years with no luck, it might be your only option to finishing the vehicle. By all means, continue to look for the part so you can replace the newly made part, but don't let one thing keep you from completing the project.

Restoring classic cars can be cathartic for some people. It will bring a sense of pride and accomplishment when the car is ready to register and drive down the road. However, if you are doing the work yourself, plan on having this project for a long time. If you need help tracking down parts, talk to a professional like those at Reggie's Garage.